Yohan 27.03.2019 3 min de lecture

Reeport | March 2019 feature summary

In March, Google BigQuery partitioned table support and Google Analytics segment import make the headlines!

Data sources

  • Google Analytics: Import segments

  • SQL: COUNT and DISTINCT count now available

  • Google BigQuery: partitioned tables now supported

  • AT Internet: multi-site query support

Data sharing & exploration

  • Viewer mode: zoom in and out 


Data sources


Google Analytics: Import segments
Go to your Library hit the following button to import all of your custom Google Analytics segments in one go!



SQL: COUNT and DISTINCT aggregation now available



Google BigQuery: partitioned tables are now supported

The Google BigQuery connector now support partitioned tables (typically used by Google Analytics 360 customers).


AT Internet: multi-site query support

You can now run multi-site queries with the AT Internet connector in order to fetch data across multiple sites in one go!

Data sharing & exploration


Viewer mode: zoom in and out

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L'organisation des données et l'analytique en libre-service sont fondamentales pour démocratiser l'utilisation des données dans les entreprises et assurer leur réussite.